weapons – MeRCeNaRioS GGS


Now Available on Steam – Arms Dealer, 10% off!

Arms Dealer has left Early Access and is Now Available on Steam for 10% off!*As a new Arms Dealer in the year 2025 you will bribe generals, build relationships, and trade over 250 real weapons. Hunted by 4 law enforcement agencies and compete with the top 10 Arms Dealers. You must find the best deals, rarest weapons and most useful vehicles to carry your goods.*Offer ends April 2 at 10AM Pacific T...[Read More]

New DLC Available – Assassin’s Creed Unity Revolutionary Armaments Pack

Assassin’s Creed Unity Revolutionary Armaments Pack, all new content for Assassin’s Creed® Unity is Now Available on Steam!This weapons pack includes 6 powerful new weapons for your master assassin. FG_AUTHORS: Leer má


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