
Now Available on Steam – Dragon Fin Soup, 10% off!

Dragon Fin Soup is Now Available on Steam and is 10% off!*Dragon Fin Soup seamlessly blends genres to create a fresh experience: half story-driven tactical RPG and half high-stakes roguelike, with a pinch of crass humor and a heaping helping of murder & madness set in a procedurally generated fantasy world.Meet Red Robin – a charming, yet raging alcoholic bounty hunter, who’d ra...[Read More]

Now Available on Steam – Nom Nom Galaxy, 20% off!

Nom Nom Galaxy is Now Available on Steam and is 20% off!*Welcome to Soup Co., Astroworker! As an integral part of the Soup Co. family, your mission is to explore the remote planets in search of tasty ingredients to make the galaxies most delicious soups and then rocket them into the gullets of our hungry customers.*Offer ends August 10 at 10AM Pacific Time FG_AUTHORS: Leer má


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