red – MeRCeNaRioS GGS


New DLC Available – Wargame Red Dragon – Norse Dragons

Wargame Red Dragon – Norse Dragons, all new content for Wargame: Red Dragon is Now Available on Steam!Norse Dragons is the third free DLC for Wargame: Red Dragon.Dedicated to the Scandinavian coalition, it features more than 60 new units for Sweden, Denmark & Norway. Effectively propelling this coalition as well as the individual countries into the early 90’s era, it will bring ...[Read More]

New DLC Available – Wargame Red Dragon – Norse Dragons

Wargame Red Dragon – Norse Dragons, all new content for Wargame: Red Dragon is Now Available on Steam!Norse Dragons is the third free DLC for Wargame: Red Dragon.Dedicated to the Scandinavian coalition, it features more than 60 new units for Sweden, Denmark & Norway. Effectively propelling this coalition as well as the individual countries into the early 90’s era, it will bring ...[Read More]

Daily Deal – Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad – GOTY 75 Off

Read more: Daily Deal – Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad – GOTY 75 Off

Daily Deal – Red Faction® Armageddon™ 80 Off

Read more: Daily Deal – Red Faction® Armageddon™ 80 Off

Filtrado en la Red un vídeo unboxing de Xbox One

La filtración de un unboxing de Xbox One está corriendo como la pólvora por la Red. El vídeo muestra uno de los kits de desarrollo enviados por la compañía a sus ‘testers’ y nos permite obtener una visión más cercana del dispositivo, de cada uno de los componentes. De momento, la compañía no se ha pronunciado al respecto, si bien entendemos que tomarán algún tipo de medida, pues cada u...[Read More]

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