
Now Available on Steam – River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Stars Special~, 10% off!

River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Stars Special~ is Now Available on Steam and is 10% off!*This is the River City sports challenge! The Rule is simple, be the # 1 in 4 events by all means. That’s it! Hitting and kicking? Of course! Wooden swords dumbbells and even bombs are available to use. The great sports challenge where anything’s possible has just begun!!!*Offer ends December...[Read More]

Now Available on Steam – Chuck’s Challenge 3D, 10% Off

Chuck’s Challenge 3D is Now Available on Steam and is 10% Off. From the design veteran behind the classic game Chip’s Challenge, comes Chuck’s Challenge 3D, a fiendishly addictive puzzler that’s packed with features that will tease the brain and challenge the fingers. It also comes with a level editor that lets you upload and share your levels for everyone to play and...[Read More]

Sports Car Challenge supera los 10 millones de descargas

Es un juego gratuito de conducción móvil. Sports Car Challenge, el juego de conducción por el Volkswagen Group China y Fishlabs Entertainment anuncia que ha superado los 10 millones de descargas en todo el mundo, algo que ha decidido celebrar con una nueva actualización de contenido. Así, sus usuarios podrán ahora acceder al Porsche Boxster S, un potente vehículo que aparece retratado tanto por fu...[Read More]

Retro Game Challenge camino de 3DS

De momento el juego aparecerá en Japón en invierno.


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