
Now Available on Steam – Duck Game, 23% off!

Duck Game is Now Available on Steam and is 23% off!*Enter the futuristic year of 1984, an age where ducks run wild in a frantic battle for glory. Blast your friends with Shotguns, Net Guns, Mind Control Rays, Saxophones, Magnet Guns, and much, much more. This is DUCK GAME. Don’t blink.*Offer ends June 11 at 10AM Pacific Time FG_AUTHORS: Leer má

Now Available on Steam – Tower of Guns

Tower of Guns is Now Available on Steam!Tower of Guns is a fast paced first-person-shooter for the twitch gamer… with a few randomized elements to keep it fresh with each playthrough. It’s a short burst "Lunch Break FPS"… not unlike Binding of Isaac mixed with Doom 2. Tower of Guns was made by a guy named Joe (with his brother Mike composing the music). FG_AUTHORS: Leer...[Read More]

Guns of Icarus busca expandir su oferta con un modo aventura para el que pone en marcha un Kickstarter

El videojuego lleva en marcha desde el pasado octubre, y hasta ahora estaba centrado en el multijugador.

Guns of Icarus Online añade soporte Linux

El nuevo parche se descargará automáticamente desde Steam.


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