
Now Available on Steam Early Access – I am Bread, 25% off!

I am Bread is Now Available and is 25% off!*The epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before!*Offer ends April 16 at 10AM Pacific Time FG_AUTHORS: ...[Read More]

Now Available on Steam Early Access – I am Bread, 15% off!

I am Bread is Now Available on Steam Early Access and is 15% off!*The beautiful story of one slice of bread’s epic and emotional journey as it embarks upon a quest to become toasted.As you delve deeper and deeper into the story of ‘I am Bread’, you’ll notice that things aren’t quite what they seem….“It may sound like a silly idea but playing as a slice ...[Read More]


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