xxl – MeRCeNaRioS GGS


Pre-Purchase Now – Cities XXL, 20% Off

Cities XXL is Now Available for Pre-Purchase on Steam and is 20% off!Cities XXL is 20% for all customers. Owners of any previous Cities XL title receive an additional 30% off (for a final price of 50% off). Design, build, and manage the world’s largest and most diverse cities in Cities XXL. Bigger and better than ever before with a more powerful game engine and new interface, become the m...[Read More]

Serious Sam DD XXL – Análisis / Xbox 360

Masacres, desparpajo y acción arcade tradicional. Serious Sam está de regreso.

Serious Sam DD XXL – Vídeo / Xbox 360

El 20 de febrero estará disponible en Xbox LIVE Arcade por 800 MS Points.


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