
Now Available on Steam – Super Chibi Knight, 10% off!

Super Chibi Knight is Now Available on Steam and is 10% off!*The Kingdom of Oukoku is threatened by the spicy influence of General Tso. Citizens have placed their hope in a small knight who fits the requirements of ancient legends. Which path will the Chibi Knight choose… the path to the mysterious Island of Mahou to learn spells from its sorcerers or the path to the Beastmaster mountains to...[Read More]

Batgirl llega con el el pase de temporada de Batman Arkham Knight

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC «-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN» «»> No es que fuera un secreto a voces, pero estaba claro que Rocksteady iba a tirar la cosa por la ventana con su Batman Arkham Knight y viendo lo que tiene pensado para el pase de temporada completo, desde luego que así será. No en vano hay personajes que podremos manejar y ...[Read More]

Now Available on Steam – Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition is Now Available on Steam!Revisit of one of adventure gaming&#146;s greatest classics by master storyteller Jane Jensen! Struggling bookstore owner Gabriel Knight investigates the sinister Voodoo Murders in New Orleans, discovering the secrets of his family history and unfolding his destiny in this tale of horror and suspense. Author...[Read More]

Shovel Knight finaliza con éxito su campaña de financiación colectiva

Se lanzará en septiembre en PC, 3DS y Wii U.

Shovel Knight contará con la música de la compositora de Mega Man

Manami Matsumae escribirá dos canciones para esta aventura 2D de estilo retro.


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