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  • #20046 Score: 0

    Bueno vereis es que tengo un problemilla cn el cod2.
    Me deja entrar a los servers y eso, pero cuando quiero iniciar mi propio servidor como q no me deja.

    Sale una cosa de ERROR
    Attemped to overrun string in call to va ()

    Como hago para crear mi server?

    #46020 Score: 0

    Call of Duty 2 console dropout workaround

    This is a known problem. When trying to play a demo, you get thrown in the console window of Call of Duty 2 with a bunch of error messages such as ‘Attempted to overrun string in call to va()’. To quickly fix this, enable the option in Call of Duty 2 dm_1 options. When this option is enabled, demo controls are disabled and mp_farmhouse (Belot) will not load before demo play. This problem is triggered by loading a map in development mode and having some mods installed into the base folder of Call of Duty 2. Which mods are responsible for this are currently not known. Clean up all mods one-by-one to find the mod responsible, or simply delete all.

    Hay un parche "no oficial" para solucionar este problema

    #46026 Score: 0

    Muchas gracias gonzete lo probare a ver si va :D

    #46028 Score: 0

    Siempre tienes problemas y rollos raros macho:D

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