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  • #20180 Score: 0

    He jugado, por fin, la demo del COD4. Creo que está de puta madre y para los que tengan dudas les aseguro que en modo multijugador va a ser la leche. Creo que mejorará mucho al COD2. Una pena que no sea de la II Guerra Mundial, pero… que se le va a hacer… Nio si quiera pienso en piratearlo. Lo pillaré original.

    P.D: cómo mola la firma que me he currao…

    #47042 Score: 0

    de aqui dos semanas subo a comprarmelo fijo!!Es la caña de juego por lo visto en la demo de hecho creo que molara mas en jugador individual que en multijugador, puesto que las diferenttes misiones han de ser la caña.

    Por cierto alguien sabe si habran misiones en que llebes un tanque, avion, helicoptero……………

    #47044 Score: 0

    Sale a la venta el 5 de Noviembre y yo ya lo tengo reservado en una tienda, la demo es la caña y el juego lo sera igual.

    Ufff tiene q ser una pasada en multiplayer con esas armas y esos graficos.

    #47046 Score: 0

    Respuestas a preguntas sobre el juego online:

    Will I be able to use vehicles in COD4 multiplayer?
    No, there will be no vehicles to use in COD4 – IW wants to concentrate on close combat with smaller and more intense maps, it’s all infantry based.
    But you can however call in support from a wide range of vehicles.

    How many players can play at the same time in online multiplayer?
    For pc gamers the number is 32+ while console gamers only have from 1 to 16 online gamers at the same time.

    Is it possible to do cross platform gaming like to let console gamers war against people playing on PC?
    No, IW stated that such a feature wasn’t suited for COD4 due to issues like the advantage pc gamers have with mouse/keyboard and the precision this gives.

    Will there be kill cam in Multiplayer?
    Yes, kill-cam will be in multiplayer just like Call of Duty 2.

    Can you throw grenades back in Multiplayer?
    Yes, you can throw grenades back in single and multiplayer.

    Can you cook grenades?
    Yes, you can cook grenades in both single player and multiplayer.

    They mentioned a new game mode called "Hardcore Mode", what’s that?
    IW has introduced a new realism mode for the hardcore players, which you can play along with any of the gametypes. So you can play all the gametypes either standard or Hardcore Mode. When playing Hardcore mode there is no HUD, no killcam , friendly fire is enabled and weapons do more damage (realistic damage).

    Is there any co-op features in COD4?
    Cooperative game play (often abbreviated as co-op) primarily refers to a feature in video games that allows players to work together as teammates with the absence of player-controlled competitors. Co-op game play is usually built around the single player mode of a game, modified to allow additional players. COD4 does not have this game play.

    What game modes are supported in CoD4?
    Free-for-All – Every man for himself.
    Team Deathmatch – Use teamwork to kill opposing players and reach score limit.
    Team Objective – Domination and Search & Destroy. Capture flags in Domination, with respawning. Destroy and defend objectives in Search & Destroy, no respawning.
    Team Tactical – Small team Deathmatch and Search & Destroy.
    Capture the Flag – Try to steal the enemies flag and return it to your base.
    Search and Destroy – Much like Counter-Strike, there are two teams: attackers and defenders. Attackers try to plant a bomb at one of two bomb sites, and defenders try to defend the bomb sites. If explosives are planted, defenders must defuse. Players only have one respawn per round. A round is over when all players on one team are killed, or when the bomb explodes or is defused.
    Headquarters – A radio spawns somewhere on the map. Your goal is to capture the radio for your team. If Team A captures the radio, they must defend it from being destroyed by Team B. Team A will only have one respawn until the radio is destroyed or the max time limit for the radio is reached. Team B will respawn at set intervals. Team A earns points for every second the radio is held. To capture/destroy a radio, you must stand in the area of the radio. The more players, the faster you destroy it. New radio spawns when time limit is reached or the radio is destroyed.
    Domination – There are flags at certain points around the map. All flags start neutral. Teams battle to hold the most flags. Game ends when the time limit is reached, or the score limit is reached.

    How many levels are there in COD4?
    Call of Duty 4 contains 65 levels to play trough, after that you can enter the Prestige Mode and have more fun

    What is the Prestige Mode?
    I wish we could say, as of now thats a secret

    Will there be Ranking and how does it work?
    Yes, there is a ranking system in multiplayer. As you play the game you gain XP = Experience Points, the more XP you gain the higher you will Rank up. The Ranking loosely follows military Marine ranks although there are more ranks in the game than there are actual Marine ranks, so there will be multiple levels to each rank. As you Rank up you will unlock more and more weapons and gear to customize your weapon load out. This includes completely new weapons, new sights, new scopes, new grips, new camo schemes, and more.

    What’s all this about unlock able equipment and experience points?
    CoD4 will use an experience based progression where you earn experience points (XP) for completing tasks and challenges. As you rank up you unlock new items, this is more than just new weapons. This includes Weapons, Perks, custom Camo schemes for your weapon and more.

    IW speaks about a challenge system, how does that work?

    Another twist to the typical shooter multiplayer is the addition of challenges. Essentially as you complete challenges, you’ll get more experience points. While in a multiplayer game, you gain specific bonuses for completing any of the hundreds of challenges. When a challenge is achieved it unlocks things like the ability to call air strikes and such.

    What classes does COD4 multiplayer support?
    When you first start playing, you can choose from one of five pre-made classes with default weapon load outs and perks assigned to them as well as allows users to create five custom classes where the user can customize their weapon load out and three perks to assign to their soldier. The five default classes include Assault, Spec Ops, Light Machine Gunner, Demolitions, and Sniper class. But as you gain experience, you’ll be able to customize your own classes, swapping in different weapons or even special abilities called perks. There will also be the option to Create-a-Class which you can unlock through ranking up that allows you to customize your primary weapon, secondary weapon, grenade type, up to three perks, and accessories for your primary and secondary weapons (i.e. scopes, sights, camo schemes).

    I heard a lot about "Perks" in multiplayer, what’s that all about?
    Perks are used to customize your character online to better fit your personal style of combat. The perks are broken up into three categories. This helps balance out the Perks a lot. You’re limited to three perks total, so you have to choose wisely on what’s going to fit your play style the best. There are a vast number of perks available, creating a unique MP experience every match with the large amount of difference combinations available.

    What are the confirmed perks?
    IW will be confirming new ones every week, so far IW have confirmed:

    * Last Stand: Fall to the ground and pull out your pistol for one last chance to kill the enemy before dying.
    * Stopping Power: Increased Bullet Damage.
    * Juggernaut: Increased Health.
    * Martydom: Drop a grenade when you die. (Anti-Tbag Technology)
    * Endurance: Longer Sprint.
    * Deep Impact: Increased Bullet Penetration.
    * Double Tap: Increased Rate of Fire.

    Can Perks or other options be modified or disabled?
    Yes, server admins and players will have a large amount of config options to disable / enable as they see fit on their servers. Perks can be disabled and plenty of gameplay options can be modified. Server Admins and players will have a healthy config file to assist them.

    #47047 Score: 0

    ya solo te falta traducirlo jejejeje

    #47050 Score: 0

    Más allá del juego, pocas novedades. ¿No?.
    Aunque la verdad es que lo que funciona es mejor no tocarlo, por si acaso.

    #47051 Score: 0

    Muy bueno Gonzete.

    Para los que no sepais ingles, buscaos unas de las aplicaciones de las que siempre aporta Gonzete, porque vale la pena leerlo enterito para que flipeis con lo que va a ser el sistema de rankings del multijugador, y sobre todo lo que seran los famosos "PERKS".

    Ahora solo queda esperar a que salga…..

    #47052 Score: 0

    Pues que queréis que os diga. A mí me parece una pollada hacer un nuevo juego de la WWII con mejores gráficos. Esta es la evolución lógica. Tiene todas las cualidades del cod2 pero con la ventaja que supone jugar con armas del siglo XXI. Lo que tengo bien claro es que cuando salga los que puedan disfrutarlo se van a olvidar totalmente del cod 2.

    #47054 Score: 0
    1 pt

    Hola Pues esta klaro q el quiera jugar ranking tendra q pagar como pasa en el Batlefield 2.Ya veremos la facilidad o la imposibilidad de poder jugar los piratillas.A mal ,menor esperemos q se pueda jugar en server no oficiales sin ranking asea Krakeados(para los piratillas),por q si no lo llevamos klaro…
    Y es q klaro pensar q vas a jugar a sd con tu arma normal,y habra otro tio con su arma superior ganada en su ranking no me acaba de convencer,Ademas de todo esto q pasara con el tema Mod y mapas customs poruqe como sea como en el BF2 no estara soportado el ranking ni con mod ni com mapas custom.
    Ya veremos si los pro del cod2 se pasan a este juego Esperemos pa los q pagen sus juegos q no:sick: porqe lo desgracian hechando leches XDDD.Y es q eso de elevar a la octava potencia la Competicion……
    Lo unico q salva a este juego es q hay vareios tipos de juego online,pero sin vehiculos:( Un batlecaca recortado parece q sera.

    un saludo

    :unsure: :unsure: :huh: :dry: :S

    #47056 Score: 0

    No es por nada pero por mi server de juego original;) a mi me pasa con el cod2 que no puedo jugar al pam de casi nadie por tener pirata ademas tb muchos menos problemas y rollos raros, creo yo vamos aunque lo que se haga bien hecho estara, si me lo compro no sera por el multijugador sino por hacer la campaña entera del cod4:D

    #47058 Score: 0

    Alguien sabe su precio? y de donde me podria bajar la demoo? muchos saludos :whistle:

    #47059 Score: 0

    Precio: 60 Euros (según me han dicho)


    #47055 Score: 0

    Yo ya lo tengo pedido en la tienda, a ver si montan los servers pronto

    #47060 Score: 0

    Eizan escribio:

    Precio: 60 Euros (según me han dicho)


    depende tio, pilla un buen seller en ebay y comprate la key por mucho menos, ya pondré noticias de sellers a partir del 9 de novienmbre (fecha lanzamiento para europa) aunque seguro que ebay usa las tiene antes.


    Cybor, el tema del modding y los mapas custom parece que está controlado, aunque no tengo los enlaces en el nuevo portátil, mañana procuro decirte algo.

    #47057 Score: 0

    cybor escribio:

    Hola Pues esta klaro q el quiera jugar ranking tendra q pagar como pasa en el Batlefield 2.Ya veremos la facilidad o la imposibilidad de poder jugar los piratillas.A mal ,menor esperemos q se pueda jugar en server no oficiales sin ranking asea Krakeados(para los piratillas),por q si no lo llevamos klaro…
    Y es q klaro pensar q vas a jugar a sd con tu arma normal,y habra otro tio con su arma superior ganada en su ranking no me acaba de convencer,Ademas de todo esto q pasara con el tema Mod y mapas customs poruqe como sea como en el BF2 no estara soportado el ranking ni con mod ni com mapas custom.
    Ya veremos si los pro del cod2 se pasan a este juego Esperemos pa los q pagen sus juegos q no:sick: porqe lo desgracian hechando leches XDDD.Y es q eso de elevar a la octava potencia la Competicion……
    Lo unico q salva a este juego es q hay vareios tipos de juego online,pero sin vehiculos:( Un batlecaca recortado parece q sera.

    un saludo

    :unsure: :unsure: :huh: :dry: :S

    Lo relativo al modding, uno de los foros oficiales de Activision ha creado una Web específica para todo esto relativa al COD4, la url es:

    En cuanto a lo de los mapas, no está claro, al menos para el caso del MP; en SP si que se hacen cosas. Hay cierto escepticismo y sorpresa por el hecho de que el COD4 radiant es bastante similar (sino igual) al del COD2 (ya veremos finalmente como queda) te anexo el COD4radiant.txt para que puedas comparar

    [file name=COD4radiant-55286170cfeafedc19ee7662ca18529e.txt size=22717][/file]

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