Home 3 › Foros › Mapping, Mods y Scripts COD-CODUO › Informacion General › Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Este debate tiene 19 respuestas, 14 mensajes y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 15 años, 4 meses por
ParticipanteWenas a todos!
Ya sabeis?
Tenemos nuevo COD en Novembro de 2009
http://modernwarfare2.infinityward.com/Y tendra estas cosas nuevas claro:
They were apparently slapped up on IW’s twitter page by a play tester, who’s now banned and deleted – which could say alot about their legitimacy.There’s loads in there, from guns you’ll be seeing again to new multiplayer game modes. It looks quite credible, if you ask us.
The game’s supposedly due out this November, according to the ‘leak’.
Check it out below:
* Vehicles will be in MW2
* M16 will return, using stopping power will only be OHK at head, neck, and torso (abdomen, limbs, and hands/feet will not)
* Ak47 and M4 will return, unknown if there are any changes
* M40 will return, ACOG damage boost will be fixed
* Scorpion, P90, M21, R700, G3, G360 will not return
* There are more unknown weapons that will not return
* New sniper rifle: SR25M (United states forces)
* New Assault rifle: Diemeco C8 (Canadian forces M4 equivelant)
* New Assault rifle: L85A2 (United Kingdom forces)
* Total weapons in multiplayer are said to be around 35
* Favourite Modern warfare 1 maps will return
* Helicopters, air strikes, UAV will return
* Red dot sightings will come in different shapes for multiplayer (circular, square, original)
* Snipers will have special grass camouflage (As seen in Modern warfare 1’s campaign)
* All perks will return from MW except eavesdrop and others will be altered
* All gametypes will return from MW and all will have hardcore versions
* New gametype: Secure (Call of duty version of capture the flag, however you capture the enemy’s Intel)
* New gametype unconfirmed name, similar to search and destroy, however instead of trying to plant a bomb, you try to kill a specified enemy
* Solider customization for each class (and each country)
* Sniper with silencers will NOT be in multiplayer
* There are NO bots in local multiplayer
* Similar version to Nazi Zombies, however details are unknown
* NO guest players online, 1 player per console
* Killcam save feature
* There is blood and gore
* Offline/Online Co-op
* Story takes place in the Middle East
* Role as US marines return
* Ken Lally voice work in campaign
* Release is set for sometime in November
* New army tags will be available to add different elements in campaign (similar to halo skulls)
* Campaign-only weapons
1 saludo a todos!
Gracias por la info;)
un saludo
Participanteweno aki os pongo otro video de este juegazo.. ais mare ahora q me compro el PC nuevo y vi tener tantos juegos con los q explotar el doble nucleo y la grafica NUEVA!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
creo q no habeis visto este video en caso contrario disculparme, a mi ma molao.. espero q a vosotros tambien
UN ABRAZO!!! y reecordar este FINDE CAMPEONATO ISTAMBUL 2009!! no os olvideis!! espero veros alli a muchos aunke no corrais, pero siempre es bonito tener ANIMADORAS!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :kiss: :kiss: :laugh: :laugh:
ParticipanteBueno, pues después de estar hoy probándolo, en single y sobre todo en multi, es un pasote el juego. Gráficos alucinantes, me va superfluido en mi equipo y tiene mucha jugabilidad. Lo único malo, que para jugar en red no se puede elegir donde jugar, espero que lo arreglen pronto, por que sería una pena no poder tener servers dedicados. Por cierto, ya está lleno de setas.
Creo que merece la pena comprarlo y jugarlo en single y esperar que arreglen el asunto para jugar en red.
En el Media Markt, 54 euros.
Se instala con la herramienta STEAM, que te crea el perfil y toda esas cosas, como en el GTA IV.1chango
Participantehombre …unas carreritas de motos disparando!!!es pa un re-lollllll!!!!!!jaaaaaaaaa:blush: :blush: :blush:
ParticipantePublicado: Mar Nov 17, 2009 11:17 pm Asunto: COD MW2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 – Installer script + cracks (both SP and MP)
VERSION 2.0 – 15 November 2009
By Black
http://www.mininova.org/get/3156611Using this installer is ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
In version 2.0, the following things have been added:
– Special Ops MP loader
– WORKING Multiplayer crack
– French/German/Italian/Japanese/Polish/Russian/Spanish MW2 Steam dvd’s support (beta)Contents
An installer script and cracks for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
This script will fully automatically install MW2 for you, including cracks etc. Just follow the instructions on the screen!No Steam is required, when using this installer you can run the SP entirely standalone.
In order to play online, you have to run Steam. It is not required to install the game inside Steam, just make sure Steam is running.This package does not contain MW2 itself or any utility to download it, it’s just a installer to use in combination with the MW2 dvd’s.
Any kind of copy of the MW2 dvd’s (for example this one)Howto
1. Download a copy of the game ISO’s
2. Create a folder on your desktop (or wherever you want)
3. Extract the contents of this RAR archive to the new folder you created
4. (Vista/7 only) In the new folder right-click on InstallMW2 and select “Run as Administrator”
5. (Vista/7 only) Click “Yes” to the confirmation prompt if you have UAC enabled
6. Follow the onscreen instructions, everything will be explained there!
Note: You will need to mount the ISO images with some program like Daemon Tools.Important notes
Remove any old versions (the original + the fixed version)! Please seed this new version 2.0!!
Don’t comment if you haven’t read through the entire description! I won’t help you with questions anwsered in the description!Special Ops multiplayer loader instructions
To use the Special Ops multiplayer loader, follow these instructions:
Make shortcuts to MW2_SpecialOps_Server and MW2_SpecialOps_ClientIn order to play Special Ops with a friend, you have to run Steam. It is not required to install the game inside Steam, just make sure Steam is running.
Run the Server script if you want to host the game. Run the Client script if your friend is hosting, and you want to join the game.
When hosting, just go to Special Ops, click two player, and select a mission to start hosting. Lookup your IP at http://www.whatismyip.com/, and tell this to your friend.
When joining a game, enter the IP of your friend. Once ingame, click Special Ops, and then press F12. You’ll automatically join the game.
I take no credit for the Special Ops loader, just for the scripts. Thanks to Tekno for their great work!
Multiplayer crack instructions
This version includes a crack for multiplayer. No cracked servers are required, you can just join any legal game and play!In order to play online, you have to run Steam. It is not required to install the game inside Steam, just make sure Steam is running.
Then all what’s left to do, is to start MW2 Multiplayer and join a game using “Find game”, and you’ll be playing and earning XP within notime!
Note: Don’t take any risks, use a Steam blank account, just in case they start banning cracked players.
If you are being kicked from MP games within a few minutes, follow these steps:
– Go to Steam
– Click File > Settings
– Open the second tab (‘Friends’)
– Change your nickname to include one or more spaces (for example, if your nick was ‘MisterKiller’, change it to ‘Mister Killer’.
Remember that Steam will remove any spaces at the beginning/end of your name, so put it somewhere in the middle.
If this doesn’t solve your problems, there’s nothing I can do… just search for a newer crack.Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does this work? / Is this real?
A: Yes this works, and it’s 100% real. Stop asking.Q: Is this the full MW2 game or just an installer?
A: Like stated, it is just an installer, not the full game. Please learn to read descriptions, thank you.Q: How long does it take to install?
A: Most machines will complete the installation within 40 minutes. I highly recommend using verbose mode, so you can see the progress of the installation.Q: When installed, the game takes up over 11GB. Is this normal?
A: Yes, is it. Why else do you think the game comes on two dvd’s?Q: Will this work with the ***-release?
A: This installer will work with any release that works with the original Steam dvd’s.Q: The installer doesn’t work, it only copies the additional files!
A: Please check is the dvd’s you’re using aren’t damaged. Also note that support for any other language then English is in a beta stage, I cannot garuantee it will work with these versions.Q: I’ve checked my discs, they’re 100% correct and the English version.
A: Then this problem is probably caused by your pc. Some people experience these problems, other people don’t. I’ve tested the installer on various computers, and encountered no problems. If you checked all your files, and are still having this problem, try using another program for extracting the .SIM files.Q: When I launch the game, I get the following message: ‘ERROR: could not find zone ***’
A: One of the MW2 files is corrupted. Try running the installer again to ensure all files are extracted correctly. If the problems persists, ask a friend to upload their *** file, and use it to replace yours.Q: My question is not answered here!
A: Are you absolutely sure? Then you’re allowed to comment.I found a virus in this package!
Check again. Some scanners are known to detect this as a trojan, however, this is a false positive. If you’re not sure, try scanning it with another virusscanner.DRACCT
ParticipanteDracct muchas gracias por tu post y la informacion pero no me he enterado de “na”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
ParticipanteTripode escribió:
Quote:Dracct muchas gracias por tu post y la informacion pero no me he enterado de “na”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:rafa
ParticipanteLo he acabado en single player y es una pasada
Participanteno agais de momento lo q os a puesto drak:( q no va bien
Participanteenviudador escribió:
Quote:no agais de momento lo q os a puesto drak:( q no va bienSi vas al link y miras el video (que hace los pasos uno a uno) verás como si funciona.
Sigue las instrucciones, no es nada dificil.
Me lo han confirmado 3 personas hoy.InXs
ParticipanteA este se ve que no le funciono.. esta un poco cabreado con el juego..
ParticipanteDios mio como esta el mundo, estamos condenados a la extincion con personajes como ese, si parece q tiene la rabia con tanta saliba coño. Pretendia romper la pared de una ostia??? pobrecito
Ahora entiendo cuando dicen q los juegos asi generan violencia :angry: :angry:
Participantepero……..por que se pone asi? por que no le rula en el ordenata? por que no se lo puede pasar en modo experto? o por que no tiene multiplayer?
De todas maneras si eso es verdad, lo mismo el nota esta estudiando teatro, y proximamente gana un oscar, pero digo, si es verdad, es pa matarlo no? despues de chulearle a la madre 60 euros pal juego, 30 para una web cam, mas lo que le cuesta el PC….jajjaja! le podrian haber regalado unos guantes de boxeo………
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