
Now Available on Steam – Robotpencil Presents: Character Design – Horror Genre

Robotpencil Presents: Character Design – Horror Genre is Now Available on Steam!This will cover the various things you can do to achieve creepy, and scary concepts that can be used for Horror games. FG_AUTHORS: Leer má

New DLC Available – Typing of the Dead: Overkill – Love at First Bite DLC

Typing of the Dead: Overkill – Love at First Bite DLC, all new content for The Typing of The Dead: Overkill is Now Available on Steam!Roses are red, violets are blue, mutants are ugly, so what do we do? Well, this time players will need to type increasingly more overblown and contrived sweet nothings in order to repel hordes of amorous mutants queuing up to give them a love bite they&#14...[Read More]

Weekend Deal – Democracy 3, 50% Off

Save 50% on Democracy 3 as part of this week’s Weekend Deal*!Have you ever wanted to be president? or prime-minister? Convinced you could do a better job of running the country? Let’s face it, you could hardly do a worse job than our current political leaders. Crime, Unemployment, National Debt, Terrorism, Climate Change…Have you got the answers to the problems that face western ...[Read More]


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