Home 3 Foros Más Juegos por dios!! Nuevos Juegos FEAR COMBAT Multiplayer – GRATIS – CDKEY Y JUEGOOO

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  • #34925 Score: 0

    Esta guapo el juego, recomiendo que lo bajeis usando la red torrent, con utorrent, va muy bien pq hay UNA CANTIDAD INCREIBLE de peña bajandoselo y al rato te dara lo maximo de tu conexión.

    A ver si alguien pone una noticia sobre esto que merece la pena.

    #34926 Score: 0

    No encuentro nuestro server de FEAARFREECOMABAT………………..

    #34927 Score: 0

    Ya lo encontre………….


    – ES LA PUTA CAÑAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! joder como me he reido!!!!!!!!
    con los graficos a tope me parece q tiene una imagen que te cagas , del ping ni hablemos: 10 de ping ( cojonudo ) cantidad de armas las suficientes y muy guapas ( arriba el desintegrador y el rocket launcher!!!!!!!!!) y ya lo del slowmotion es la puta reostia( ver pasar las balas a tu lado y la estela es la polla!!!!!)………

    Ademas hacia tiempo que no me ria tanto con un juego!!!!!

    PUNTUACION : 10 / 10

    Estais tardando en bajarlo y disfrutar. Todo un acierto lo del PB desde el comienzo.

    P.D.: El HLSW no me ve el server , alguien sabe pq????

    #34928 Score: 0

    Pq no te reconoce el juego, si miras en settings-games no esta el juego en la lista. Yo utilizo el Xfire para entrar.

    #34929 Score: 0

    Cybor eres una maquina el juego en descarga directa:laugh:
    Descargando FEAR COMBAT …:P
    Gracias gracias.

    #34930 Score: 0
    1 pt

    Pues si mesu y a tope desde el principio jejejee;)
    Weno ya se porque no me dejaba entrar a jugar ….por si alguno le pasa q no entra a nuestro server y tiene una cdkey original ,Vamos q se compro el juego en su dia q sepa q con esa serial no entrara a nuestro server,Asi q la solucion es conseguir una cdkey de las gratis previo registro.
    un saludo:)

    #34931 Score: 0
    1 pt


    The SCMD interface is used to execute server side commands through a text
    based console. SCMD sends commands to the server to control settings from
    the hosting client, a remote client or the standalone server. It offers a
    generalized user interface that works on all three of these entry points.
    On a hosted or remote client, commands are entered through the chat
    interface. On the Stand-alone server, commands are entered through the
    console interface.

    To use SCMD, just follow these steps:

    1. Before launching your server (either hosted or dedicated), set the
    "Allow SCMD" option to "Yes" and then specify a password.
    2. Launch the server.
    3. Type SCMD and press <Enter> on the command line of your dedicated
    server, or in the chat interface on a host or client to see a list of
    available commands. You will need to scroll up to see the entire list.
    4. Log in to the system by typing SCMD followed by the password that you
    specified in the host options.

    Once you have successfully logged in, you can then use any of the other
    SCMD commands. Note that only one host or client can be logged into the
    system at once. The format for all SCMD commands is:

    SCMD command [arg1] […]

    Example: You are logged into SCMD through a client connected to a
    dedicated server, and one of the other players becomes abusive. With SCMD,
    you can boot the player through your client like this:

    Type "SCMD listclients". This will display text similar to the following:

    Client List format: clientid) [name][ping][ip]
    0) [Smiley][0][]
    1) [Cheater][80][123.456.789.012]
    2) [Player0][120][321.654.987.210]

    From here, you can type "SCMD bootname Cheater", or "SCMD bootid 1" to
    remove the problem player from the server.

    Then, if the player logs in again and continues to cause trouble, you can
    ban the user from the server by using the "banuser" command. For example,
    to ban the user "Cheater" from the list above, type "SCMD banuser 1".

    In addition to user banning, IP address banning is also supported. This
    is done by adding entries to the following IP banning file:

    C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DocumentsMonolith Productions

    To add a banned IP address to the list, edit the file and add the address
    to the end, on its own line. The game server must be restarted for this
    change to take effect. Note that IP address banning is not as effective as
    user banning. Banning an IP address may actually ban many players from the
    server if they share a common network router. In addition, the same user
    can potentially access the server from different IP addresses, so it may
    be possible for the user to reconnect with a different address. In most
    cases, the "SCMD banuser" command described previously is preferable to
    banning by IP address.

    For a full list of commands, please see the section below.


    Following is the list of commands currently supported by SCMD:

    Command Parameter Description

    HELP List all available SCMD commands.
    LOGIN <password> Logs in as SCMD Administrator.
    LOGOUT Logs out as SCMD Administrator.
    LISTCLIENTS Displays list of clients.
    LISTMAPS List all current maps.
    NEXTMAP Go to next map in the map list.
    NEXTROUND Go to next round for this level.
    SETMAP <map_index> Advances to map_index.
    BOOTNAME <playername> Boots client by player name.
    BOOTID <clientid> Boots client by client id.
    BANUSER <clientid> Bans a user by client id.
    UNBANUSER <banid> Removes a user ban by banid.
    LISTUSERBANS Lists all currently banned users.
    LISTGAMEOPTIONS Lists game options.
    SHOWGAMEOPTION <optionid> Shows details on a game option.
    SETGAMEOPTION <optionid> <value> Sets game option by optionid.

    Please note that when using SCMD from a remote client, changes made to game
    options will not be visible with the listgameoptions or showgameoption


    Advanced commands can only be entered via the dedicated server command line
    and not through the SCMD interface.

    Command Description

    Say Allows the server operator to chat with players.
    Chat text must be contained within quotes.

    BandWidthTargetServer Target bits per second to send over the network
    layer. This MUST be set correctly to avoid send
    overflow. For a detailed explanation of how to use
    this feature, please see the section of this
    document titled "Limiting Bandwidth".

    #34916 Score: 0
    2 pts

    Joer, 24 horas descargando, espero que esté bien el juego.

    Se supone que termina hoy sobre las dos de la madrugada, y sin jugar al COD2 mientras descarga.

    #35053 Score: 0

    siento ser el que joda la lista de piropos… pero… he jugado y no me mola para nada…
    tambien decir que los juegos de ese tipo no me gustan, prefiero movimientos menos ortopedicos… nose…

    #35080 Score: 0
    1 pt

    Movimientos ortopedicos?? jajajaja pues no me has visto bailar con el Fosil.
    Tiene unos movimientos muy realistas, otra es que no te guste, pero justamente los movimientos son de lo mejor.

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